T S Eliot

Quantum Poetics: in search of poetry’s elementary particles

A few years ago I was in Rome and I visited the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore. Even though I found it breathtaking in scope and execution, with its grand proportions, fluid lines-of-sight and enormous gilded ceiling, I wasn’t inspired. I took a seat and closed my eyes, already thinking about my next stop in the city. As I was getting ready to leave, I looked up and was caught […]

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Collective Intelligence and its Discontents: the rebirth of the autodidact tradition

Collective Intelligence is a relatively new and loose term, which has been used to mean various things. A first attempt at defining it could go something like this: Collective Intelligence is an emergent property in groups of individuals acting both intelligently and collectively, which produces something inherently different from what would have been produced if each individual’s intelligence acted in isolation. There are many problems with how one defines intelligence […]

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